UN Praises Canada for Immigrant Friendly Policies

UN Praises Canada for Immigrant Friendly Policies

Canadian Visa Expert Staff / May 28, 2017

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As of January 2017, Jean-Nicolas Beuze was appointed as representative of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). He recently praised Canada for their “life-saving intervention” by helping refugees settle on Canadian soil. A record number of refugees moved to Canada in 2016, the highest number since 1980 when there was a resettlement of Indochinese refugees.

Canadian Visa Expert reports, “Canada has opened its doors to many refugees, and the UN is very appreciative of their hospitality.” In 2016, there were 46,700 refugees that relocated to Canada from many countries including Afghanistan (1,354), Congo (1,644), Syria (33,266), Eritrea (3,934), and Iraq (1,650).

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