More Immigrants Moving to Canada Want to Live and Work in Ontario

More Immigrants Moving to Canada Want to Live and Work in Ontario

Canadian Visa Expert Staff / June 21, 2018

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After a ten-year-long slump in a destination for immigrants, Ontario is experiencing an upswing in newcomers to Canada. The province has seen the number of permanent residents rebound to over 111,000, which is 39 percent of new arrivals to the country last year. In the past over half of the immigrants that relocated to Canada settled in Ontario. If you are considering immigrating to Canada, Ontario is a great province to relocate to. Canadian Visa Expert has a team of experts that will assist you in receiving the required visa to live in Canada. A huge majority of the newcomers to Ontario, 85,500 in 2017, stay in the Greater Toronto Area. This is an increase of over five percent.

In January alone, Ontario had almost 11,000 new permanent residents, an increase of 48.6 percent in the same period last year. Experts say the increase in immigration in the GTA and Ontario is due to the economic downswing in Alberta, who saw their numbers drop to 42,100, a decline of 14.7 percent. Jack Jedwab, director at the Canadian Institute for Identities and Migration, said, “Ontario, especially Greater Toronto, is again the place to go to for new immigrants. Both Alberta and British Columbia are not doing so well.” He mentioned the economy is not faring well in Alberta and it is hard to find affordable housing in B.C. Greater Toronto is still the historical magnet for immigrants settling in Canada. Canadian Visa Expert will help you apply for the visa needed for you and your family to relocate to Canada.

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